Movie Review: Home (2015)

I waited until my daughter’s spring break to take her to see the animated movie, Home, voiced by Jim Parsons, Rihanna, Steve Martin, and Jennifer Lopez.


In Home, a species of alien is looking for a new planet to call home. Want to take a wild guess on which planet they choose? That’s right, ours.

And after making themselves at home (ha ha, get it. Home?), things take a turn for the worse.

If you have seen one of the trailers for the movie, you probably have a pretty good idea for how the story will develop. You would be wrong however.

This movie manages to pull a surprisingly twist from the trailers. Enough of one that it kept my interest in the early going of the movie and allowed me to actually care a little about what was going in the movie. Yes, you will be able to figure things out as the movie progresses, and yes, some of it is the same thing you see in lots of kids movies, but it was still done in such a way that it was enjoyable to the kids and the adults in the audience.

Be warned however, be an animated movie for kids doesn’t mean that they will skip on the tear jerking moments. It exists, and screw you whoever keeps bringing onions to the movie and screw you, the reader, for judging me.

Overall though, a really nice flick, and it will be enjoyable by the whole family. And I didn’t even get pulled out of the movie by the sound of Sheldon coming from the alien, Oh, the entire movie.

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Recently retired US Marine enjoying life just being a Daddy to my children and a husband to wife and author, Christa Charter.

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